My 2017 round up

Saturday, January 06, 2018

Happy new year everyone! Seeing as we've (almost) finished the first week of the new year, I thought it was about time to start reflecting on the past year. I've written a blog post the past few years about the "best bits" of each year, however this time I am going to try to make the most non-biased round-up of 2017 because life isn't all nice and perfect all the time. So here is my review of my 2017, enjoy!

  1. I got a design job straight out of uni. However, after a month I lost that job as the company went into receivership. I learnt a lot about career-heartbreak very quickly, as I was having so much fun and learning a lot then it all came crashing down soon after it built up. I am still waiting for my payout nine months later...
  2. I graduated! Four long, hard years of studying, bettering my skills and learning what I love and not-so-much-love came to an end in 2016, and in 2017 I got to walk across that stage, put on that cap and pick up my certificate.
  3. I got to showcase my own design work in a local gallery! I made a set of designs for the alphabet and when I heard my local art gallery were taking submissions for a typography show, I submitted my designs and got accepted! I sold quite a few, and people have approached me at design-markets saying that they recognise my work/style/name and it's really boosted my confidence in my work!
  4. Along side having my work shown in a gallery, I also opened up my Etsy shop! I have made a bunch of typographic prints that I am actually pretty proud of, and I hope you go check them out and support your girl!
  5. I got to work for myself and create a name for myself. After being made redundant, I decided to work for myself until I found something more permanent and full-time. I got to work for an array of brands and companies and managed to sustain myself financially for almost six months! (Check out some of my projects!)
  6. I attended my first ever design conference! And I absolutely loved it! I came away so inspired and refreshed for a whole bunch of creating. I had an amazing weekend listening and learning to a bunch of fantastic creatives, and I can't wait until I get to go again! (Fingers cross I can go in 2018!)
  7. I started putting my mental health first by starting therapy. I have been to about five or six sessions, and am coming to terms with what triggers my anxiety and depression, and what I can do to help myself overcome it. I am still learning and will do a few more sessions in the new year, but as much as I hate talking about things that upset me, and I don't enjoy the sessions themselves that much I feel a lot better afterwards (after a nap, it really takes it out of me!)
  8. I got a permanent, full-time, salary job, and I love it! I am a digital media coordinator, so I get to run my work's social media accounts and website. I write or curate content for their digital platforms, and design graphics to be posted along side them! I have been at this job for almost four months and I love it, and the people I work with.
  9. I started going to the gym. For any of you who know me in real life, the idea of exercise makes me tired, let alone actually doing it. I am not going because I want to lose weight (I actually have the opposite problem...), I want to go because I get very tired throughout the day, and just some light walking can make me out of breath; I want to build up the energy to help me sleep at night and be able to make it through the day without getting exhausted.
  10. My boyfriend and I are stronger than ever. We have become a lot closer in the past twelve months, in particular the past six months. We are communicating a lot more, about our worries and stresses in our personal lives as well as in our relationship. We are learning about how we can compromise and not sacrificing by doing things (that we may not be the biggest fan of) simply because the other person wants to share, and it's something new and different.
  11. I got to go home to visit my family three times, including being able to go home to celebrate Christmas as a family for the first time in a few years! As much as I have enjoyed spending the holiday with my boyfriend's family, I really did miss my own and I loved being back.
  12. I have booked a lot of trips for 2018 and can't wait for them. I am seeing some of my favourite musicians; Fall Out Boy and Taylor Swift, and also (possibly) my favourite YouTubers, Dan(isnotonfire) and (amazing)Phil.
So there we have it. 2017 was filled with a lot of things, some great and some not so great. But I think I actually enjoyed this year (ya know, apart from the world getting closer and closer to WWIII each day) and with each thing that went "wrong", somehow something else went "right" because of it. 

In 2018, I am going to try to continue working on myself more. My aim is to be off my antidepressents by the end of the year (or mid-year) and I would like to try to have a happier and more positive outlook on life.

How was your 2017? What did you get up to? What were your favourite bits, and what did you learn from your not-favorite bits? Let me know in the comments below!

- Louise x

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